
View our different portfolio projects. You may filter projects by service type.

Fayetteville, AR
Fayetteville Richland Creek Water Crossing
800 LF of 18” and smaller including a HDD bore crossing under Richland Creek
Fayetteville, AR
Fayetteville 2021 Waterline
10,835 LF of 12” and smaller waterlines in various locations around Fayetteville
Benton, AR
Benton Waterline
16" Ductile Iron Waterline Installation including two 30" Steel Encasement Bores
Van Buren, AR
Rickey Pump Station & Force Main Improvements
Construction of 1,400 GMP Pump Station and Force Main
Malvern, AR
Malvern Arkansas Waste Water Treatment Facility Improvements
WWTF Renovations and 3500LF of 36" Ductile Sewer Outfall Piping
Russellville, AR
I-40 South Gravity Sewer Interceptor
ATU I-40 South Gravity Sewer Interceptor 10,000 LF of 30” and 24” Gravity Sewer 48 Manholes